Extraterrestrials: The Tall Whites and Charles Hall

Research begins at 26:44

Could a race of tall, snowy white, lightning quick, and hella smart aliens that live near Las Vegas and love to gamble be living here after striking a deal with the US Government!? Maybe! And no, we didn’t come up with a topic this wild - a retired US Air Force serviceman named Charles Hall did and he’s got some wacky encounters to share! So strap in and look up to the stars, Bunk Funkers, because we’re giving you the whole enchilada on the aliens known as the Tall Whites. Thanks to Dyson for the topic suggestion!

Andy and Art are taking Mr. Bunker to court. What happened this week in the bunker lore?

In the second segment, Andy and Art give you, the listeners, an uninterrupted presentation of their research into The Tall Whites.

Finally, Andy and Art discuss boring movie choices, Vanna White, VCRs, and so much more!

Send us your thoughts to @MrBunkerPod and mrbunkerpod@gmail.com using the hashtag #TallBettyWhite

Music by Michael Martello
Artwork by Hannah Ross
Audio Editing by Arthur Stone

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Edgar Cayce - "The Sleeping Prophet" (with Pick Me!)

