HAARP: Weather and Mind Control?

Research begins at 29:14

HAARP the conspiracy angel sings! What is HAARP? What are they doing up there in that Alaskan facility? And why is HAARP at the center of literally every conspiracy? Join Andy and Art as they blast off into the whole enchiladasphere to give you all the science and pseudoscience behind HAARP. Thanks to Robbie Malec for the topic!

In the first segment, Andy and Art update you on their life in the bunker.

In the second segment, Andy and Art  give you, the listeners, an uninterrupted presentation of their research into HAARP.

Finally, Andy and Art discuss toll booths, rainbow road, Elon Musk, and so much more!

Send us your thoughts to @MrBunkerPod and mrbunkerpod@gmail.com using the hashtag #RainbowRoad

Music by Michael Martello
Artwork by Hannah Ross
Audio Editing by Arthur Stone

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The Death of John Lennon


The Mothership UFO: JAL Flight 1628